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Monday, 25 June 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird, Research.

Feel free to post your research here so other people can read through what you've found. Please try to avoid posting entire Wikipedia articles, but select small, relevant bits of information. If you've found a really good website which has a lot of information, then please link to it instead.
The topics are:

1930s America             

1.   President and political influence

2.   The Great Depression

3.   African American Civil rights movement

4.   Alabama

Please make it clear which topic you are posting about!

Mrs G.


  1. It affected how much unemployment there was and it increased the industrial protection, wholesale prices and foreign trade decreased. This graph shows the statistics of what the great depression caused.
    America did suffer more than the other countries. This was caused from the Wall Street Crash in October 1929 which was a stock market crash as it has the New York stock exchange. The decline in stock markets caused bankruptcies. Because of this people began to panic sell which causes people to sell due to emotions rather than think before selling which would have made the people struggle even more. This is followed by the Great Depression as it happened to a lot of businesses and people. When US economy was declining this caused many other countries’ economy to start to collapse. It was around 1930 when the other countries started to enter the great depression.

  2. The Great Depression.

    The Great Depression was a severe world economic crisis in that decade before World War II. It was the longest, most widespread and deepest depression of the 20th century. The Great Depression is commonly used to show how far the world’s economy can decline.
    It originated in the U.S, after the fall in stock prices around September 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash a month later in October 1929. It had devastating effects in both the rich and the poor countries. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, while international trade fell by more than 50%.
    Any city dependant on heavy industry was hit hard, and cities that relied heavily on the Primary Sector jobs such as Forestry, Farming, Mining and Fishing were hit even harder (although farming was hit the hardest, due to the crop prices being cut by almost 60%) than heavy industry cities. few economies started to recover around 1935, but in many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until around about the end of World War II, but some still remained afterwards.

    I love to kill
    A Mockingbird, it's such a good book.

  3. Jasmine - Blue Group
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    The Great Depression -Research Notes

    •The timing of the Great Depression varied between nations but occurred mainly at the start of the 1930s and lasted till the end of the 1930s or the middle 1940s
    •It mainly occurred after a passage in the USA was passed; this passage was the Smoot-Hawley tariff act.
    •The Smoot-Hawley Tariff act was to:
    -To provide revenue and regulate commerce with other foreign countries
    -Protect American labour
    -Encouraged the US industries
    •The depress originated in the US after the fall in stock prices began on September 24th 1929
    •Both the rich and poor were massively affected by the depression
    •It hit hard on cities worldwide, however more so on the cities which were heavily dependent on the industrial activities
    •The stock market crash on October 29th 1929 was the official day that the great depression began
    •The Economy broke down during the presidency of Herbert Hoover, who was blamed greatly for the depression. This meant that he didn’t stand a chance at being re-elected in 1932 when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected by landslide.
    •The US had put a lot of faith into Roosevelt whom closed banks until they were stabilized and began to establish new programs which was called the new deal (the programs were commonly known by their initials).
    •Roosevelt was considered a hero as the depression ended. They believe that he cared for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the depression. Even though that the new deal helped ease the pressure of the depression it is uncertain that it helped end the depression as the economy was still bad at the end of the 1930s.
    •Major turnaround for the US economy was after the pearl harbour was bombed which meant the entrance of the US into WW2
    •Once the US became war involved the industry became essential to help within the war effort as weapons, artillery, aircraft and ships were all needed. Men were trained as soldiers and the woman were kept on the home front to work in the factories
    •The entrance to WW2 was essentially the end of the great depression

  4. President & Political Influence

    FACTS about this decade.
    Population: 123,188,000 in 48 states
    Life Expectancy: Male, 58.1; Female, 61.6
    Average salary: $1,368
    Unemployment rises to 25%
    Food Prices: Milk, 14 cents a qt.; Bread, 9 cents a loaf; Round Steak, 42 cents a pound

  5. The Presidents and Political Influences in To Kill A Mockingbird.
    Sam Keely.
    The President during this time period was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won the third biggest Election Victory in the history of the United States. This meant that the influence of the Democratic Party was very strong in the White House and the Senate. He is most well remembered for helping the country recover from the Great Depression, which was previously discussed. At the head of this policy was the New Deal which gave the poorest in the country Government Aid, reformed and regulated the Banks and saw a partial return to the pre-1929 economic levels. FDR was very liberal, but he struggled with the conservative Republican attitudes of the Southern US, which are seen in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. This may be a reason as to why his influence is not explicitly seen in the novel. The influence FDR had over the United States was strong, however, and within the first 100 days of Office he massively overturned the Banking System and helped thousands of struggling poor people. Later, he would strengthen the economy by entering the US into World War Two and overseeing a massive bloom of industrial activity. By doing this he elliminated the previous administration's "Isolationism" policy and threw the US to the forefront of international politics.

  6. Red group
    President and political influence

    -In the 1930s the president of America was Franklin D. Roosevelt
    -He was the 32nd president of the US
    -His goal was to make America the "Arsenal of Democracy" which would supply munitions to the Allies.
    -He devoted time to the planning of the post-war workload
    -He also devoted ime to planning the set up of the UN

    This is unrelated but...
    -In 1921, Roosevelt suddenly fell ill with polio and was left unable to walk without braces or a cane....he was disabled!!! :)

  7. President & Political Influence

    President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945)
    Born: January 30th 1882
    Death: April 12th 1945
    Spouse: Eleanor Roosevelt
    Political Party: Democratic
    Preceeded by: Herbert Hoover
    Succeeded by: Harry Truman
    Fact: He was diagnosed with polio in 1921 and was permanently paralysed

  8. African American Civil rights movement

    In 1960, when the civil rights movement first began to gain national attention, African Americans had been working to gain political and economic rights for nearly a century. Blacks had made some progress, but the laws that many southern state legislatures had written to prevent blacks and whites from living as equals—called Jim Crow laws—continued to separate the races in restaurants, schools, theaters, parks, and other public facilities in many states in the South. Those blacks who had migrated to northern and western states in an attempt to escape the legal restrictions of Jim Crow laws found that life in these new locations had similar restrictions because of customs based on racial prejudice, or a judgment or opinion based on preconceived notions about race. Blacks in the North and West faced discrimination, or poor treatment based on race, in housing and the job market, among other areas. Police and citizens alike enforced the separation of races vigorously. Blacks who tried to mix with whites were arrested, beaten, or killed. Penalties for violence were rarely enforced when the crimes were acted out against blacks.
    It was about black’s rights to be treated as whites and other human beings instead of illegal aliens.

    by Hena, Bria and Alaa

  9. This term relates to the actions of African Americans in 1955-1968, who fought to gain equal rights, specifically the right to vote. This happened mainly in the south, causing many ‘white societies’ to group together and live separated from all other multiracial societies. Up until this point, Africa Americans had be used for slavery, as such, during these movements they were believed to just of been ‘disobedient’.
    Many successful protests happened including the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which took place in Montgomery, Alabama. This began on December 1, 1955, the campaign carried on until November 13, 1956. On this day the Supreme Court lead a city ordinance, which let any black bus rider sit anywhere they wished.
    This was a big kick start to the civil right movements, the first to allow equality between black and white people. It also marks a significant acceptance of African Americans into standard American society and the corrupt racially segregated societies end.

  10. The civil rights movement in the United States of America, was long and primerily a non violent struggle to gain civil rights and equality under law, for all Americans. The Amercian civil rights movement usually refers to the political struggle and reform movements between 1945 and 1970.
    Malcom X was a big part of the Civil Rights movement in America's civil rights campaign. He was a Human Right's Activist and a Muslim Minister.
    Many said he was a curageous advocate for African American's and the right for equal treatment.
    Basically the American Civil Rights campaign was and still is for equality throughout the whole of America and for American's.

  11. 1930s America

    The African-American Civil Rights Movement (AACRM) was a non-violent act to bring equal rights to the African American citizens of America at the time. It was founded in 1896, and is still around today - Many people refer the AACRM to the political struggle between 1945-1970, though. Malcolm "X" (or Malcolm Little) was a big part of the AACRM, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. Detractors accused him of preaching racism, black supremacy, antisemitism, and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history. Malcom's father was killed off by white supremasists (in theory). As a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, Malcolm taught black supremacy and advocated separation of black and white Americans—in contrast to the civil rights movement's emphasis on integration.
    I believe the AACRM is still around today, but should not be. We shouldn't have to fight for our rights to be treated equally, yet for some reason we do.

  12. Thomas Chapman29 June 2012 at 01:45

    The state of Alabama was very famous for racism in the 1930's, this specifically means movements of the KKK, and such events as lynching and public executions. This included burning peolpe at the stake, hanging them or any other form of public execution. Segregation was a big topic of the 1930's, where anyone who was black would be forced to go to a seperate place away from any white population. This was consisted of segregation in public places including transport, and most places in Alabama had a white entrance and a black entrance, which shows that it got so bad that they couldn't even be at the same entrance, and some people would take advantage of this and be as offensive as possible to the black population as they would enter and leave the buildings. Alabama was also famous for producing cotton, and farmers would be making this and marketing it throughout the state, until the 1934 cotton control act, boosted the price of cotton by limiting the amount that a farmer could produce.

  13. Jeren + Yasmin29 June 2012 at 01:50

    - From 1910-1945 10,00s of african americans migrated north from Alabama in the great migration to seek jobs and education for their children.

    -March 25: Nine black youths known as the Scottsboro boys were charged with raping 2 white women, one underage on a train from chattanooga the sheriff had to protect them from mob violence that night.Within a month 8 of the 9 were senten to lynching (which is the act of hanging someone, There are many similarities to the case in to kill a mocking bird.
    There is a ver detailed report on >>> - We would write more but everythig is pretty much on there already.

  14. Alabama in th4e 1930s

    Jesse Owens (the athlete from the Berlin Olympics 1936) was from Alabama. The offical state song of Alabama is; but here is a better version;
    Washington County is the oldest county in Alabama.
    In 1920s Alabama lynching and segregation was quite big in Alabama. Lynching included shooting, burning the victim at a stake (like how the medieval killed "witches") & of course hanging. Most murders via lynching were taken out via the Ku Klux Klan. The last lynching incident in Alabama was in 1981 with the murder Michael Donald.
    In March 1931 9 young African American boys (known as the Scottsboro Boys) were sent to jail on charge of raping two white females. Eight of the nine boys were excuted based on qeustionable evidence and the judgement from the all white jury cause international outrage.

  15. Renator Baptiste29 June 2012 at 01:54

    1930’s Alabama
     Had the worst education in the south was taught by self proclaimed teachers and community leaders, the brunt of the effects of education were felt by blacks and rural whites the most.
     During this period of time, black people were still seen as slaves for the white people. In the south, because they lost in the civil war, black people were treated worst than the black people living in the north. Black people were kept under white social and economic control.
